DA, Casting, Choreography, stylism, Stage direction
Sanofi, premium partenaire of Paris 2024 Olympics, organised an amazing event and competition worldwide with Sanofians as a pre- kick off of the Paris Olympics. The final happened in Paris Charley Stadium in front of 10 000 people.
The creation of the closing show of 30 min with 29 artists took 6 months to prepare. Celebrating new olympic disciplines such as BMX, Skateboard and Breakdance, but also paradancers and acrobats, it's been an incredible energy shared with a wonderful team.
Agency : Shortcut
Light designer : Jean François Bonnement
Artistic Production : Oneness Entetainment
AD, choreography, stage direction : Julie Bruyère
Assistant : Carl Maillard , Berenice Faure
Music : Ryan Martin
Production assistant: Alix Coudray
Stylist Michael Komer
1rst Video General Rehearsal produced by Oneness Entertainment
Video and editing : Nicolas Bellet
2nd vidéo produced by Shortcut
Show performance starts at 3'05 min
Photographer : Stephane Aït ouarab
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